Pictures and Hijab: Angelina Jolie caressed refugee children in Lebanon

Babaah veil chose famous Hollywood star Angelina Jolie to be had for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. And picked up the cameras footage of Julie on Wednesday a cherished children's camp in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, and talk with officials and write some notes The refugee agency of the United Nations has announced that some 2,200 Syrian refugees arrived in the eastern Bekaa Valley, Lebanon during the past week, while some estimate the number of refugees activists Syrians in Lebanon more than ninety thousand Jolie's visit - which serves as a goodwill ambassador of the United Nations - two days after her visit to the Syrian territory, where inspected the conditions of the injured as a result of clashes between the Free Syrian Army and elements of the government of Bashar al-Assad Julie affected expressed welcome which included Lebanese refugees in Syria, especially after the Lebanese government recently rejected the possibility of the establishment of new camps for refugees in its territory for fear worsen the situation in Lebanon itself, prompting parents to receive Refugees in their own homes She said in remarks to reporters after the visit: "severely affected today when I met again Syrian families, and that I meet here, not in camps but in the homes of Lebanese who have welcomed them and provided them with protection I reviewed affected" The American star continued: "I know the size of crises experienced by the Lebanese people themselves, and the difficult economic situation, which makes hosting Syrian refugee carries the meanings of the largest and shows how their generosity and kindness, which is what I hope for the whole world to realize." Source:filfan


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